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Duplicating, Copying and Pasting


To duplicate a limb, select any of it's layers and click the Duplicate button. You'll need to change the prefix of the layer name for the duplicate. The new limb will be an exact copy of the source limb, including any animation.

When you duplicate a limb for the other side of a character you might want to enable the Flip Art checkbox.

Artwork by Tim Lucke

Copying and Pasting

Select a limb, click Copy, then select a different limb, and click Paste. Anything that was part of the copied limb layer will get pasted - not just the limb style properties but also any effects, layer styles and other properties that you might have added.

If you hold the Option / Alt key whilst you click Paste, Limber will also copy and paste the geometry properties from the Limber effect that tend to affect a limb's appearance: Lengths, Stretch, Anti-pop and all the Scale properties.

Orphaned Limb Layers

If you duplicate a limb layer using After Effects’ native Edit > Duplicate command, the new copy will still respond to the controllers, but Limber has no record that this 'orphaned' limb layer exists. This isn't really how Limber is intended to be used, but sometimes it's the only way to achieve what you want.

You can copy and paste an orphaned limb layer. If you have a limb layer selected when you hit the Copy button, that is the layer that will copy, even if it’s an orphaned layer. Similarly, when you paste a limb, it will only paste to an orphaned limb layer if you have that layer selected when you hit Paste.

You cannot use any other functions, like Duplicate or Add Art, with orphaned limb layers.

Orphan Limb Curvature

Orphan limbs will use the Curvature value of the original, un-orphaned limb. If the un-orphaned limb has no Curvature slider, the orphan limb will have zero Curvature, even if it 'should' have. There is a workaround for this - ask us in our Discord.