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Matching is a method of automatically making the limb's pose in one animation mode correspond to the pose in another animation mode. This is handy if you want to switch between modes with hold keyframes instead of blending, or to set a pose in a different mode to the one you intend to animate in.

The Match button will change the values of all the properties it needs to, to make the match. Which properties are changed will depend on the circumstances of the match. Matching can alter:

  • Upper and Lower FK Rotation - when matching FK (to IK or FreeK)
  • Clockwise - when matching IK (to FK or FreeK)
  • The Position of the End controller - when matching IK or FreeK (to FK)
  • The Position of the FreeK controller - when matching FreeK (to IK or FK)
  • Upper Length and Lower Length - when matching IK or FK (to FreeK)

By default, matching does not affect the animation mode itself - FK Blending and Free Blending won't be changed. But if you hold Option / Alt when you click the Match button, the animation mode will also be switched, by setting new values to FK Blending and / or Free Blending.

Matching is agnostic to the current blend state

Matching doesn't care about blending, or which mode a limb is currently in. It matches from and to the 'full' poses you would see if you were on 100% this or that mode.

Matching to or from IK won't be perfect if the Clockwise property is not 100% or -100%, or if Anti-pop is above zero.

Watch from about 5:34 to see matching in action