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New Limbs

When you click the New button, you’ll see this panel:

It's not as complex as it looks

It's split into four sections from top to bottom: Indicators, Limb Types, Artwork and Layer names. Each of these is covered on the next four pages of this user guide.

Each section has dropdowns on the left, and helpful, dynamic feedback on the right. The dropdowns will be pre-filled based on which layers you selected, and in what order, before you hit the New button. Once you're familiar with this layer selection system, you'll rarely have to edit the dropdowns ever again, and most limbs will just need you to choose a name and click OK.

Super-powered dropdowns

If you are using Indicators or rigging artwork, you should always select your layers from the body outwards, and select Indicators first, then artwork layers.

So if you had three circle indicators and two artwork layers, you’d select them in this order:

  • Shoulder (or hip) Indicator Circle layer
  • Elbow (or knee) Indicator Circle layer
  • Wrist (or ankle) Indicator Circle layer
  • Upper Art Layer (bicep or thigh)
  • Lower Art Layer (forearm or calf)

Limber will predict which type of indicator you're using and what type of limb you want to make. It will guess correctly 9 times out of 10 but you should always check - it might predict a Circle limb when you want a Taper or Shape limb, for example.

Select layers in the right order and rigging vector art doesn't get any faster.

Artwork by Gaspart